The Steam Method: Opening Up Your Pores for Easier Extraction/Heng50

For stubborn blackheads or whiteheads that are difficult to extract using the squeezing technique, the loop method can be a gentle alternative. This method involves using a loop extraction tool, which has a small loop at one end that can be placed around the blemish to apply gentle pressure and extract the contents.

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To use the loop method properly, start by cleansing your face and prepping your skin as mentioned earlier. Sterilize the loop extraction tool before and after each use to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Place the loop around the blemish and apply gentle pressure, moving in a downward motion. Avoid applying too much pressure or dragging the tool across the skin, as this can cause damage. If the blemish does not easily come out, do not force it. Clean the area with a gentle cleanser or toner and apply a soothing and antibacterial product.
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The loop method is particularly useful for stubborn blemishes that are deeply embedded in the skin. It allows for more control and precision, minimizing the risk of damage to the surrounding skin.


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